I intend to walk every street in Birmingham. This will include every road (excluding Motorways and similar), canal towpath, public footpath and bridleway.

9 May 2016


Of all the miles of tarmac, concrete, stone and brick that are laid down in Birmingham, which should I be walking?

The pavements alongside roads
Fairly obvious (?) - These will make up the vast bulk of my walking. I won't be walking both sides, I just need to walk the road. Motorways and other similar roads without pedestrian access will not be walked.

Pavements along pedestrianised roads
For example, where a section of road has been closed to traffic but is passable on foot.

Canal Towpaths
Not all of the navigatable canals have publicly accessible towpaths - there are about 35 miles of canals in Birmingham.

Other footpaths
There are many paths and taking Sutton Park as an example, there must be hundreds of different tracks, some of which are shown by the black, dotted lines.

Which should I walk? Just the roads?

And urban parks with their networks of paths. Should I be walking these?

Perhaps, I should limit myself to public footpaths, bridleways and byways as shown on the OS maps.

These other paths are still a bit of a grey area but as a working model, I shall restrict other paths to those dotted green (1:25000) or red (1:50000) lines on the Ordnance Survey maps.

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