I intend to walk every street in Birmingham. This will include every road (excluding Motorways and similar), canal towpath, public footpath and bridleway.

9 May 2016

I've Started

There's no time like the present.

I decided to get an A-Z of Birmingham so that I've got a hard copy of where I've been.

I caught the bus into the city centre and started my GPS watch to track where I'd walked.

I started here, on the junction of Corporation Street and The Priory Queensway.

I made a, not-entirely-direct route to Waterstones from where I purchased a shiny new map book.

Whilst in the city centre, I decided to walk a few more streets and to get the ball rolling.

My route, according to my Garmin GPS watch, looks like this...


Looks like I was drunk ! All those tall buildings play havoc with the GPS signal. Using the above as a guide, I redrew the route in My Google Maps and this is the result...

The big picture showing how much of Birmingham that I have walked looks like this...

It's that little red squiggle in the middle. It looks very insignificant but you've got to start somewhere. Hopefully, it will fill up soon enough.

Here are a few shots taken on my initial walk...

Corporation Street, ready for the trams.

Pointless Cycle Lane

This chap's on the fiddle

The soon to be demolished, Pavilions

Sandwich Bar, Union Passage

Is it really Needless?

Great Western Arcade

The Minories

Priory Circus

Tony Hancock - Priory Circus

1 comment:

  1. There was me expecting that it would be months before this idea got going but I hadn't taken your natural enthusiasm into account. Well done Kev for taking your first steps on this big adventure!
